Gruber: Wie wird aus einer guten Idee, eine gute Applikation.
Was macht eine Applikation iPhone-Like? Worauf sollten sich iPhone-Programmierer in erster Linie konzentrieren? Und warum ist Apples Notiz-Applikation eines der besten Beispiele für gelungene iPhone-Software.
John Gruber setzt sich mit den oben genannten Fragen auseinander und macht einen guten Punkt.
I’ll put forth one central, overriding guideline for iPhone UI design:
Figure out the absolute least you need to do to implement the idea, do just that, and then polish the hell out of the experience.
I further suggest the following, more specific, guidelines:
- Each screen should display one thing at a time. That “thing” may be a list, but it should just be a list.
- Minimize the number of on-screen elements.
- Make UI elements large enough to be easy to tap; place them far enough apart that there is little risk of tapping the wrong target by mistake.
- Eschew preferences as much as possible, and assume that nearly all users will use the default settings.
- As you show more detail, conceptually you move from left to right — but it’s best to minimize how deep you can get while drilling down to the right.
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