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Kein Firefox-Port für das iPhone

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fireceo.pngKurzer Auszug des etwas angestaubten Wired-Interviews mit Mozilla-CEO John Lilly :

Wired: Are you going to develop a version of Firefox for the iPhone?

Lilly: No. Apple makes it too hard. They say it’s because of technical issues — they don’t want outsiders to disrupt the user experience. That’s a business argument masquerading as a technological argument. We’re focusing on more important stuff. The iPhone has been influential, but there’s not that many of them. We’re part of the LiMo Foundation — Linux on Mobile. The Razr V2 is a LiMo phone, and you’ll see more in the next year or so.

Also doch nichts in diese Richtung. Mit Dank an alle Tippgeber.

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14. Aug. 2008 um 14:55 Uhr von Nicolas Fehler gefunden?

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